Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning & Tree Trimming

Pruning is an important part of tree care. Regular pruning promotes the health of trees. And for several reasons.

For one, it allows them to protect the tree from disease and pests. By cutting out the infested branches, diseases or pests are prevented from spreading further and causing serious damage to the tree.

In addition, targeted pruning improves air circulation in the crown. This reduces the humidity of the air. This reduces the risk of pest infestation and disease.

Another aspect is safety. Old, rotten or loose branches can quickly become a hazard. Regular pruning removes these. In addition, the weight of the crown is reduced so that wind resistance is reduced. This makes it much less likely that the tree will fall or break during a storm.

Especially when a tree is young, it is good to prune it regularly. Through the so-called corrective pruning, one can specifically influence the even growth. An uneven weight of the tree crown, crossing or rubbing branches can quickly pose a danger during storms.

Regular tree trimming can also prevent a tree from damaging buildings, obscuring solar panels, interfering with utility lines, or growing beyond their property line.

A completely different aspect is fruit tree pruning. Here, the main thing is to cut out superfluous shoots and branches. In this way, all the power of the tree can go into fruiting. This not only increases the harvest, but is also crucial for the quality of the fruit.

These are the main reasons why regular pruning is necessary.

Here now is a brief overview of the different tree pruning methods.

Crown Cleaning:

Crown cleaning involves removing dead, diseased, stubby, dying, loose and weak branches from the tree crown.

Crown Thinning:

Crown thinning is used to improve air circulation and light penetration. For this purpose, branches are selectively removed. Crown thinning also helps reduce the weight of heavy branches.

Crown Elevation:

Crown elevation involves the removal of lower branches. This technique is used to create space, such as on sidewalks and roads, near buildings, and for better views. In young trees, this technique is used to develop a clear straight trunk.

Crown reduction:

When a tree has grown too large, this method is used. It involves reducing the height, spread and size of a tree. This is accomplished by cutting back leading branches, terminal branches, and lateral branches that are large enough to take over terminal functions.


This technique is used to promote dense foliage and branches. This is achieved by repeatedly pruning the tree back in the same spot. It is usually started when the tree reaches a certain height and must be done regularly thereafter.

Formative pruning:

This pruning technique is used to help young trees develop a strong and attractive form. It involves removing competing leading shoots to encourage a single dominant tree. It also removes branches that could lead to a weak structure.

Vista Pruning:

Vista pruning is a method whose goal is to provide a view of specific objects from a specific point. For this purpose, parts of the crown are selectively thinned.

Restorative pruning:

This pruning is necessary when damaged trees are to be restored to their original shape.

While Tree Pruning is more about safety and health, Tree Trimming is about appearance and giving the tree a certain shape.

This is especially popular in front yards or parks.

But whether you are looking at Tree Pruning or Tree Trimming, you should always hire a professional to do it for you. Incorrect pruning of trees can severely damage them.

​Our trained arborists have the necessary knowledge, pruning techniques and experience. They can tell you exactly which pruning technique is right for your tree and execute it professionally. Make an appointment with us today.

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